Flowmeter installation allows Goulburn Mulwaree Council to monitor and manage its water use like never before


Flowmeter installation allows Goulburn Mulwaree Council to monitor and manage its water use like never before.


Ecoview Integration Services are currently in the process of installing and integrating 12 ABB WaterMaster Flowmeters on sewerage pumping stations in Goulburn to help the Council better understand their sewer network. In conjunction with existing level-monitoring gear, the Flowmeters will allow the Council to monitor daily inflow and outflows of sewerage, and pump performance per station. They will also enable the Council to build system load profiles for each station, as well as for the sewerage system as a whole.

This stage of the project comes about after the successful integration of a similar number of ABB Flowmeters on local water reservoirs and interconnected water pipelines. This first stage allowed the Council to determine load profiles for each of their reservoirs, and to get a detailed handle on where their water was actually going, and at what times. In this regard, Ecoview Integration Services has been key in helping to safeguard our precious natural resources.


The Flowmeters provide information on the current flowrate (litres per second) and totalised forward and reverse flow (kilolitres), both as daily and cumulative data. It is input into the Council’s existing Kingfisher telemetry system, and transferred by radio communications back to their central Citect Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. This information is then logged in the SCADA system to allow trending and reporting.


The Council is already reaping the benefits. From this extra-detailed information, it has detected faulty non-return valves, as well as unexpected and erratic water usage.